Snowdonia weekend of wellbeing and adventure

Snowdonia weekend of wellbeing and adventure


Snowdonia weekend of wellbeing and adventure


VETERANS FROM ACROSS South Wales enjoyed a weekend of adventure in the mountains and on the water during a four-day expedition to Snowdonia.


A group of 13 participants tackled a host of activities as they fished, walked and kayaked their way around the national park.

All veterans taking part receive effective peer mentoring and recovery support from Change Step. They were joined by the team from Heroes on the Water, which provides therapeutic watersport sessions for wounded veterans.

Brecon-based peer mentor Phil Johnson said the benefits of the trip – which was funded by donations from a wide range of businesses and supporters – were clear. 

What a weekend! Members of this group of veterans really enjoyed a challenging route over Tryfan and summiting Snowdon, as well as the opportunity to get onto the water – and catch our own dinner!

It’s well known that exercise has many benefits for mental and physical wellbeing, and once again it was wonderful to see how veterans in the group were able to get stuck in with the activities and with one another.

I have no doubt that this trip was of enormous therapeutic benefit.

We’ve already received some wonderful feedback from those who took part – all of whom say that their sense of wellbeing has benefitted enormously.

Phil Johnson - Peer Mentor

‘In my own space’

Marvin Grange, from Berriew, served with the Gloucestershire and Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire and Wiltshire Regiments between 1990 and 1997.

He has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, and joined his second Snowdonia expedition.

Sometimes, I can get into a very dark place – and it can feel like you are the only one there – but I’ve got a very supportive fiancée, and if it was wasn’t for her and Change Step I don’t know where I would be.

With the support of Change Step I have been able to see a therapist from Veterans’ NHS Wales for the last nine months – which has really helped me to deal with things.

Being with other veterans can do you the world of good. Everyone just opens up and can be themselves. We served together and we have been through the same things.

I just love looking at the scenery, and I embrace it. It just takes me away – it makes me think I’m just in my own space.

Marvin Grange

The expedition was made possible by a generous grant from PDAC, and the kind support of a number of other businesses and individuals.

We were pleased to have the generous support of Heroes on the Water, the Jesse James Bunkhouse, and Padarn Hotel for the second year – and the loan of outdoor equipment and clothing from the Infantry Battle School in Brecon.

We also like to thank fishing aficionado Richard Jamesly, and the staff of Aldi and Waitrose In Abergavenny, Co-op Food branches in Brecon and Hay-on-Wye, Lidl in Pontypridd, Tesco in Port Talbot and B&M Aberavon for their kind support.


Social benefits

Veterans supported by us have delivered more than 10,000 years of service to the UK Armed Forces – some 80% of our participants say Change Step has helped them improve their mental health, 79% say Change Step has helped them to reduce isolation by enhancing social engagement and 74% say working with Change Step helped them improve their relationships.

Every pound spent on Change Step results in around £7 in social benefits – including better wellbeing, reduced loneliness and more settled home life for veterans, and savings to health services.

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Hikers in Snowdonia
Canoers in Snowdon
Fishing in Snowden
Hikers in Snowden
Hiker in Snowden
Mountains of Snowden

?  All images copyright Martin Downs

Gold employer award recognises commitment to veterans

Gold employer award recognises commitment to veterans


Gold employer award recognises commitment to veterans


CHANGE STEP HAS BEEN awarded the highest honour for organisations which support those who serve, veterans, and their families.


We were named as one of 100 employers to earn the Armed Forces Covenant Employer Recognition Scheme’s Gold Award by the UK’s defence minister Ben Wallace.

The accolade recognises our long-standing commitment to supporting current and former members of the Armed Forces – and was awarded through our parent charity, CAIS.

Since its inception just over five years ago, Change Step has supported more than 2,000 veterans and their families throughout Wales – many facing serious and significant health and mental health challenges related to their service.

Change Step – which generates around £7 in social value for each pound spent – has been repeatedly highlighted as an example of best practice, and has forged a wide range of valuable partnerships with the private, public and third sectors in Wales.


Leading model


Since 2013, we have recruited more than 35 former members of the UK Armed Forces to become part of our dedicated veteran-to-veteran mentoring team. Many of these recruits have their own experiences of the challenges facing veterans – and have been able to continue their recoveries, and develop their careers and prospects, with us.

Change Step director Geraint Jones said he was delighted that CAIS had joined a list of only 228 employers to have been handed the honour.


This is a significant and high-profile accolade for the vital advocacy and support work CAIS and Change Step have done and continue to do with and on behalf of veterans throughout Wales.

We know that this work has made a massive difference to many of the veterans and families we work with – and has changed lives for the better.

From the beginning, when I met with a group of former service personnel who felt forgotten and poorly-served by the authorities on civvy street, we have sought to embed effective and well-managed peer mentoring initiatives throughout Wales – and to use a motivational and veteran-led approach to achieve real wellbeing benefits.

To receive this recognition from the Employer Recognition Scheme, and to be counted amongst major corporates, large business groups, universities and public authorities, shows how highly-regarded Change Step now is.

It is only thanks to the generous support we have received from our funders and partners at HM Treasury, the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust, Help for Heroes, the Welsh Government, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, the Royal British Legion, ABF The Soldiers’ Charity and elsewhere – and our own committed and passionate fundraisers – that we have been able to make such a significant and widespread impact.

Geraint Jones - Director

Outstanding support

Defence secretary Ben Wallace said the awards recognised employers’ “outstanding support” for the Armed Forces community.

I would like to thank and congratulate each and every one.

Regardless of size, location or sector, employing ex-forces personnel is good for business and this year we have doubled the number of awards in recognition of the fantastic support they give.

The Rt. Hon Ben Wallace MP - Secretary of State for Defence

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ERSGold Featedit
Cardiff care home honours the fallen with Change Step

Cardiff care home honours the fallen with Change Step

Cardiff care home honours the fallen with Change Step

RESIDENTS AT a Cardiff care home honoured the fallen at their own Service of Remembrance – with the support of veterans peer mentoring service Change Step


Staff at Hafod’s Woodcroft Care Home, in​ Trowbridge, decided to host the commemoration after discovering that many of the over-55s they support were veterans or had links to the military.

The 60-bed home fell quiet as residents stood in silence to remember those who fell in conflict.

The service also featured a bugler, standard bearers from the Royal British Legion, hymns and prayers, and a presence from the Royal Welsh based at nearby Maindy Barracks.


‘Amazing and emotional’

Home manager Elaine Mather said the Remembrance events marked the culmination of weeks of activity by Woodcroft residents, including dressing mannequins in period uniform and creating a poppy cascade.


It was an amazing and emotional morning, and we were happy to see over 80 people come including those from Change Step Aged Veterans.

Our residents, some of whom have a connection to the military, really appreciated this. I would like to thank everybody who got involved and came along for their wonderful support.

Elaine Mather - Manager, Woodcroft Care Home

Change Step works with more than 20 other organisations across Wales to support veterans, their families and carers facing serious stress – and offers dedicated support for older veterans in Cardiff, Conwy and Denbighshire.

The Aged Veterans project has been supported by the Royal British Legion, and includes a drop-in session for older ex-service personnel at the Ely and Caerau Community Hub between 10am and 3pm each Friday.

 It has been wonderful to work with the staff at Woodcroft, and to bring the support we can offer older veterans and their families directly into their home in this way.

Liam Spillane - Peer Mentor, Change Step

Since its inception just over five years ago, Change Step has supported more than 2,000 veterans and their families throughout Wales – many facing serious and significant health and mental health challenges related to their service.

Change Step – which generates around £7 in social value for each pound spent – has been repeatedly highlighted as an example of best practice, and has forged a wide range of valuable partnerships with the private, public and third sectors in Wales.

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Group photo
image of vet in wheelchair
photo of audience
photo of poppies
photo of staff
Celebrating our Aged Veterans project

Celebrating our Aged Veterans project

Celebrating our Aged Veterans project

Change Step hosted celebration dinners in Cardiff and Llandudno to mark the success of our Aged Veterans project.

Dozens of older veterans, their family members and carers joined our staff, volunteers and partners for the free special events, held at the Copthorne and Imperial hotels.

Stories of Service

The celebrations marked the achievements of our Aged Veterans project over the last three and a half years and marked the launch of our new book, Stories of Service, a collection of memories and reminiscences from a number of project participants.

Our project helps older veterans live an active and fulfilling life by providing information, activities and one-on-one support. We offer a range of interventions, telephone and community befriending, digital inclusion training, and much more.


Book Cover


Vital support

The project, which was delivered in Cardiff, Conwy and Denbighshire, has provided vital support to 159 former members of our Armed Forces, plus 39 additional beneficiaries including two children.

Some 58% of beneficiaries were aged 80 or over, with 14% aged 95 or older. At the start of their engagment with us, seven in ten older veterans reported mental health concerns combined with social isolation.

Our free guide for older veterans

Perhaps you would like more help to navigate veterans services, or you have concerns about a relative or someone you care for who is an older veteran?  Our guide provides vital information about and links to organisations that can provide easy access to the support older veterans need.

Click here to download your free guide, and to see how other veterans have made the most of the help on offer. 

Guide Cover

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Change Step Aged Veterans is supported
by the Royal British Legion Aged Veterans Fund,
funded by the Chancellor using LIBOR funds